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Access Violation C++ visual studio Classes

I am getting a: "Exception thrown at 0x00E8316C in ConsoleApplication18.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0xCDCDCDD1." When I run my code, this is all of it and the error breaks where I marked with a comment. Thank you for your time!

#include "iostream"
using namespace std;

class Transaction
    int USERID;
    int Amount;
    virtual void Report()   //modify for each transaction type


    virtual void Perform()  //modify for each transaction type



class Transfer : public Transaction
    int transID;   // id of the user to tranfer with
    int transType; // type of transition; to or fro

    void Perform()
        cout << "\n" << "Transfer" << "\n\n";
        cout << "Enter the id of the user to tranfer with: ";
        cin >> transID;
        cout << "\n" << "Transfer type:" << "\n" << "1: To   2: Fro" << "\n";
        cin >> transType;
        if (transType == 2)
            int temp = transID;
            transID = USERID;
            USERID = temp;
        cout << "\n" << "Enter the amount you wish to withdraw: ";
        cin >> Amount;


    void Report()
        cout << "\n\n" << "Transfer of " << Amount << "$ from user: #" << USERID << " to the user: #" << transID;


class Withdraw : public Transaction

    void Perform()
        cout << "\n" << "Withdraw" << "\n\n";
        cout << "Enter the amount you wish to withdraw: ";
        cin >> Amount;

    void Report()
        cout << "\n\n" << "Withdrawl of: " << Amount << "$";


class Deposit : public Transaction

    void Perform()
        cout << "\n" << "Deposit" << "\n";
        cout << "Enter the amount you wish to deposit: ";
        cin >> Amount;
    void Report()
        cout << "\n\n" << "Deposit of: " << Amount << "$";


class User
    int ID;
    int numTrans;
    Transaction* t[100];
    int TYPE;

        numTrans = 0;

    void AddWithdraw()
        t[numTrans] = new Withdraw;

    void AddDeposit()
        t[numTrans] = new Deposit;

    void AddTransfer()
        t[numTrans] = new Transfer;


void main()
    int id;
    int type;
    int counter;

    counter = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++)
        u[i] = new User;

    while (true)
        type = 0;

        cout << "\nPlease enter your ID: ";
        cin >> id;

        cout << "\n" << "Which transaction would you like to perform" << "\n" << "1: Withdraw" << "\n" << "2: Deposit" << "\n" << "3: Transfer" << "\n";
        cin >> type;

        if (type != 1 && type != 2 && type != 3)
            type = 1;

        for (int i = 0; i <= counter; i++)
            if (u[i]->ID == id || i == counter)

                if (i == counter)// Add the type of transaction to the transaction array
                    if (type == 1) { u[i]->AddWithdraw(); }
                    if (type == 2) { u[i]->AddDeposit(); }
                    if (type == 3) { u[i]->AddTransfer(); }


                u[i]->t[u[i]->numTrans]->USERID = id; //BREAKS HERE

                for (int b = 0; b <= u[i]->numTrans; b++)


        // Report all of the previous transactions




  • There are a lot of errors in your code.

    • Transaction is missing a virtual destructor.

    • you are not doing any bounds checking when filling your arrays.

    • your loops are using <= when they need to use < instead.

    • main loop is going out of bounds when accessing the u[i]->t[] array.

    • you are not assigning the ID field of each allocated User, so you can't find users by their id.

    • you are leaking memory since you never free any of the Transaction or User objects.

    Try something more like this instead:

    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    class Transaction
        int USERID;
        int Amount;
        virtual Transaction() {}
        virtual void Report() = 0;
        virtual void Perform() = 0;
    class Transfer : public Transaction
        int transID;   // id of the user to tranfer with
        int transType; // type of transition; to or fro
        void Perform()
            cout << "\n" << "Transfer" << "\n\n";
            cout << "Enter the id of the user to tranfer with: ";
            cin >> transID;
            cout << "\n" << "Transfer type:" << "\n" << "1: To   2: Fro" << "\n";
            cin >> transType;
            if (transType == 2)
                int temp = transID;
                transID = USERID;
                USERID = temp;
            cout << "\n" << "Enter the amount you wish to withdraw: ";
            cin >> Amount;    
        void Report()
            cout << "\n\n" << "Transfer of " << Amount << "$ from user: #" << USERID << " to the user: #" << transID;
    class Withdraw : public Transaction
        void Perform()
            cout << "\n" << "Withdraw" << "\n\n";
            cout << "Enter the amount you wish to withdraw: ";
            cin >> Amount;
        void Report()
            cout << "\n\n" << "Withdrawl of: " << Amount << "$";
    class Deposit : public Transaction
        void Perform()
            cout << "\n" << "Deposit" << "\n";
            cout << "Enter the amount you wish to deposit: ";
            cin >> Amount;
        void Report()
            cout << "\n\n" << "Deposit of: " << Amount << "$";
    class User
        int ID;
        int numTrans;
        Transaction* trans[100];
        int TYPE;
            numTrans = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < numTrans; ++i)
                delete trans[i];
        Transaction* AddTransaction(int type)
            if (numTrans == 100)
                return NULL;
            Transaction *t;
            switch (type)
                case 1:
                    t = new Withdraw;
                case 2:
                    t = new Deposit;
                case 3:
                    t = new Transfer;
                    return NULL;
            trans[numTrans] = t;
            return t;
        Transaction* AddWithdraw()
            return AddTransaction(1);
        Transaction* AddDeposit()
            return AddTransaction(2);
        Transaction *AddTransfer()
            return AddTransaction(3);
    void main()
        User* users[100];
        int numUsers = 0;
        int id;
        int type;
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
            users[i] = new User;
            users[i]->ID = i+1;
        while (true)
            cout << "\nPlease enter your ID: ";
            cin >> id;
            User *user = NULL;
            for (int i = 0; i < numUsers; ++i)
                if (users[i]->ID == id)
                    user = users[i];
            if (!user)
                cout << "Invalid id!" << "\n";
            type = 0;
                cout << "\n" << "Which transaction would you like to perform" << "\n" << "1: Withdraw" << "\n" << "2: Deposit" << "\n" << "3: Transfer" << "\n" << "4: Quit" << "\n";
                cin >> type;
                if ((type >= 1) && (type <= 4))
                cout << "Invalid selection!" << "\n";
            while (true);
            if (type == 4)
            // Add the type of transaction to the transaction array
            Transaction *trans = user->AddTransaction(type);
            if (!trans)
                cout << "Too many transactions for this id!" << "\n";
            trans->USERID = id;
            for (int b = 0; b < user->numTrans; ++b)
        for (int i = 0; i < numUsers; ++i)
            delete users[i];
        return 0;