I've just updated my MacBook to macOS Sierra. I've got this weird problem with Eclipse where every time I try to open anything with autocomplete (Cmd+Mouse Hover) or even if I just hover over an element that has attached Javadoc, the console window which I keep on my second monitor, snaps over to my primary monitor and covers whatever it is that I've hovered over.
For reference I hovered over list.add
on line 23.
Does anyone know why the Sierra update causes this behaviour? I can dock the console window inside Eclipse and it doesn't do it but it's a right pain because it makes my code editing window smaller. Normally I have the package explorer and Ant tabs open as well so docking the console makes my code window positively minuscule.
Any fixes or even reproductions would be heartening, just so I know I'm not going completely mad.
Update: It's not just the console, any window that's not attached to the main Eclipse window will exhibit this behaviour.
Uncheck last check box (Displays have separate Spaces), it has other drawbacks but it fixes 2 windows eclipse on multiple monitors.
EDIT : Still works on High Sierra