I'm learning Chisel following the documentation on Github
Thus far, everything worked flawlessly. But i'm stuck at chapter 13, "Functional Module Creation"
I can't get the code to work. I created all my .scala classes in a copy of the chisel-template-project. Here is what i wrote / copied to create a Mux4 with variable bit width:
import Chisel._
class Mux4(w: Int) extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val sel = UInt(INPUT, 2)
val in0 = UInt(INPUT, w)
val in1 = UInt(INPUT, w)
val in2 = UInt(INPUT, w)
val in3 = UInt(INPUT, w)
val out = UInt(OUTPUT, w)
io.out := Mux2(io.sel(1),
Mux2(io.sel(0), io.in0, io.in1),
Mux2(io.sel(0), io.in2, io.in3))
class Mux2(w: Int) extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val sel = Bool(INPUT)
val in0 = UInt(INPUT, w)
val in1 = UInt(INPUT, w)
val out = UInt(OUTPUT, w)
when(io.sel) {
io.out := io.in0
}.otherwise {
io.out := io.in1
object Mux2 {
def apply(sel: UInt, in0: UInt, in1: UInt): UInt = {
val m = new Mux2(in0.getWidth)
m.io.sel := sel.toBool()
m.io.in0 := in0
m.io.in1 := in1
The Tester scala class i wrote:
import Chisel.iotesters.{ChiselFlatSpec, Driver, PeekPokeTester}
class Mux4Test(c: Mux4) extends PeekPokeTester(c) {
val sel = 3
val (in0, in1, in2, in3) = (5, 7, 11, 15)
poke(c.io.sel, sel)
poke(c.io.in0, in0)
poke(c.io.in1, in1)
poke(c.io.in2, in2)
poke(c.io.in3, in3)
System.out.println("Circuit: "+peek(c.io.out)
+" Expected: "+TestMux4.result(sel, in0, in1, in2, in3))
object TestMux4{
def result(sel: Int, in0: Int, in1: Int, in2: Int, in3: Int): Int = {
val out = sel match{
case 0 => in3
case 1 => in2
case 2 => in1
case 3 => in0
class Mux4Tester extends ChiselFlatSpec {
behavior of "Mux4"
backends foreach {backend =>
it should s"do Mux4 $backend" in {
Driver(() => new Mux4(4), backend)(c => new Mux4Test(c)) should be (true)
The important part from the output
STEP 0 -> 1
Circuit: 0 Expected: 5
The Mux4 class (Circuit) returns 0 as output, whereas it should be 5, because the selection process is as follows:
00 -> io.out = in3 = 15
01 -> io.out = in2 = 11
10 -> io.out = in1 = 7
11 -> io.out = in0 = 5
In the Mux4Test.scala class i wrote val sel = 3. The bit representation of this is 11 and therefore i'd expect in0 = 5.
Where am i wrong?
Thank you for your interest in Chisel!
I ran your example, and after scratching my head for a while I found the problem: when you instantiate a Chisel Module, you need to make sure to wrap it in Module(...)
(EDIT: The code on the wiki omitted this wrapper. This has been fixed). Thus, object Mux2 should instead be:
object Mux2 {
def apply(sel: UInt, in0: UInt, in1: UInt): UInt = {
val m = Module(new Mux2(in0.getWidth)) // <- See Here
m.io.sel := sel.toBool()
m.io.in0 := in0
m.io.in1 := in1
With this change, it looks like the code works!