Search code examples

Retrieving list of Distribution Groups

I need to retrieve a list of Distribution groups with their x400 and x500 addresses. I have determined the attributes are proxyaddresses and TextEncodedORAddress. We are running Exchange 2013. When I look at a high level searchbase like "OU=Exchange,OU=company,DC=company,DC=com" and use Get-ADUser it returns the user accounts, however I need Distribution Groups.
Using the following returns the users with the attributes I need, but I need distribution groups, not users.

Get-ADUser -SearchBase "OU=Exchange,OU=company,DC=company,DC=com" `
-Filter * -Properties * | Select * |
FT CN,distinguishedName,proxyaddresses,textEncodedORAddress

I tried Get-Mailbox, Get-DistributionGroup, but I get an error saying it's not a cmdlet. I also tried using the attribute groupType to filter, but it didn't work. I'm not sure if I'm able to use Get-ADObject as I'm not quite sure how I'd use that cmdlet. Any help would be appreciated.


  • Because there are multiple values in that proxyaddresses, I was receiving Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADPropertyValueCollection, therefore I had to use the following.

    Get-ADGroup -SearchBase "OU=Exchange,OU=Company,DC=company,DC=com" `
    -Filter * -Properties proxyAddresses | Select CN,distinguishedName,textEncodedORAddress,`
    @{L=’ProxyAddress_1′; E={$_.proxyaddresses[0]}},
    @{L=’ProxyAddress_2′; E={$_.ProxyAddresses[1]}},
    @{L=’ProxyAddress_3′; E={$_.proxyaddresses[2]}},
    @{L=’ProxyAddress_4′; E={$_.proxyaddresses[3]}},
    @{L=’ProxyAddress_5′; E={$_.proxyaddresses[4]}}|
    Export-CSV C:\temp\x500_Export.csv

    The only thing I can't figure out for the output, is why I see the various proxyaddresses and the distinguishedname, however it won't show CN, or displayname. Those are blank.