I'm stumped: when an email arrives from my server, its from the wrong hostname.
Centos 7
$ postconf -n
myhostname = myserver.example.com
$ hostname --fqdn
$ cat /etc/hosts myserver myserver.example.com localhost
But when receiving an email sent from this host, the From address is different.domain.com
I do see that there is no /etc/mail directory nor /etc/mail/sendmail.cf or /etc/mail/sendmail.mc files.
Ideas, suggestions?
First you need to check your logs! Is it REALLY Postfix sending the mail or is it a leftover sendmail install?
When Postfix is running: The address used in the sender (envelope and header) is governed by the myorigin parameter. It defaults to:
myorigin = $myhostname
So, it should be "myserver.example.com"