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Create crystal report in webservice method

OK so I have a SOAP web service that is used by a mobile application, I want to add a new webmethod that creates a report through crystal report and save it in a folder. I don't want to use reports published as webservices, I want my report to be created directly from my webmethod. So how it could be? NB: I am using visual studio 2010 and language.


  • You would need to download the CR_For_VS package and then use the ReportDocument class to export this to the folder

    Edit: Code

    You would need to reference the Crystal Libraries in your project to use the ReportDocument Class. The code below should give you a start.

      ReportDocument rep = new ReportDocument();
            rep.SetDatabaseLogon(Global.SQLUsername, Global.SQLPassword, Global.SQLServer, Global.SQLDatabase);
            foreach (ReportDocument subRep in rep.Subreports)
                subRep.SetDatabaseLogon(Global.SQLUsername, Global.SQLPassword, Global.SQLServer, Global.SQLDatabase);
            rep.SetParameterValue("QuoteID", SessionStore.Current.CurrentQuoteID);
            rep.ExportToDisk(CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat, SessionStore.Current.DownloadPath + "/" + gvrParent.Cells[(int)gvQuotesColumnIndex.QuoteNo].Text + ".pdf");