I'd like to implement a feature where a BLE scan is activated for 10 seconds, then breaks for 10 seconds, and repeats while the view is active.
I'm using RxAndroidBle
which wraps the Android BLE APIs for reactivity. I have a method scanForRange(getConnectAddress());
which uses an Observable<RxBleScanResult>
and some filters and a map applied to return a simple Observable<Integer>
. To start the scan, this observable must simply be subscribed to, and then unsubscribed to stop the scan.
My first thought was to use Observable.interval()
as shown below:
protected void onResume() {
mRangeScanSubscription = Observable.interval(10000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
.flatMap(new Func1<Long, Observable<Integer>>() {
public Observable<Integer> call(Long aLong) {
return scanForRange(getConnectAddress());
.doOnError(new Action1<Throwable>() {
public void call(Throwable throwable) {
Log.d(TAG, "onResume() error");
.subscribe(new Action1<Integer>() {
public void call(Integer integer) {
Toast.makeText(DeviceDetailActivity.this, "Range: " + integer, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
I would then unsubscribe from that Subscription in my onPause()
. Now this does not work, as once the first interval is emitted, the scan is subscribed to and will continuously emit results (instead of the inteded start/stop every 10 seconds).
What would be the best way to implement this feature then? I assume I could probably hack it together with a mix of Observables and Handlers, but that seems wrong.
You can do this by using TakeUntil
and RepeatWhen
mRangeScanSubscription = scanForRange(getConnectAddress())
.takeUntil(Observable.timer(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) //emits items for 10 seconds
.repeatWhen(completed -> completed.delay(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) //resubscribes after 10 seconds