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How to get Command Window format for existing 'Cell Arrays' MATLAB

I have a Cell-array created and i want to get the command window format for that cell-array.

For example: I have created a 5x2 cell array using command line:

MyCell = {'time' , 'timestamp';'posX', {'DePositionX', 'DePositionXmm'};'posY',  {'DePositionY', 'DePositionYmm'};'velocityX', 'DeVelocityX';'velocityY', 'DeVelocityY'};

Similarly I have a MxN cell array already created(not by me) and i want to get the structure of that cell in a command window format as shown in the above code. Can you tell me is there any way or commands to get this.



  • Here's a function that should accomplish what you want. It's a recursive version of Per-Anders Ekstrom's cell2str ( It should work at least with cell arrays whose elements are (recursively) of type cell, char, numeric, or logical.

    function s = cell2str(C)
    % input checking
    if ~iscell(C) || ~ismatrix(C)
        error('Input must be a 2-d cell array');
    % get size of input
    S = size(C);
    % transpose input so will be traversed in rows then columns
    C = C.';
    % initialize output string with open bracket
    s = '{';
    % iterate over elements of input cell
    for e = 1:numel(C)
        if ischar(C{e}) % if element is char, return a string that will evaluate to that char
            s = [s '''' strrep(C{e},'''','''''') ''''];
        elseif iscell(C{e}) % if element is cell, recurse
            s = [s cell2str(C{e})];
        else % if element is not char or cell, try to convert it using mat2str
            s = [s mat2str(C{e})];
        % add a semicolon if at end of row or a comma otherwise
        if mod(e, S(2))
            s = [s ','];
            s = [s ';'];
    % complete output string with closing bracket
    s = [s '}'];

    To check it with the cell array you provided, the statement

    isequal(MyCell, eval(cell2str(MyCell)))

    evaluates to true.