I'm using JQuery and Bootstrap and I'm loading a modal with an ajax request, so content will be loaded dynamically inside of the modal.
I managed to load more content with a button click (also inside the modal), but I wanted to implement a infinite scroll feature.
However the window.onscroll
function didn't seem to work or to recognize the scroll position inside the modal, even if I define it inside the modal after the first ajax request.
Question: How can I detect if a specific element inside the modal is visible to the user to load more content automatically?
Actually I found out the right answer myself:
var modal_scrollTop = $('.modal-body').scrollTop();
var modal_scrollHeight = $('.modal-body').prop('scrollHeight');
var modal_innerHeight = $('.modal-body').innerHeight();
$('.modal-body').scroll(function() {
// Write to console log to debug:
console.warn('modal_scrollTop: ' + modal_scrollTop);
console.warn('modal_innerHeight: ' + modal_innerHeight);
console.warn('modal_scrollHeight: ' + modal_scrollHeight);
// Bottom reached:
if (modal_scrollTop + modal_innerHeight >= (modal_scrollHeight - 100)) {
alert('reached bottom');