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Tagged value validation through C# add-ins in Enterprise Architect

I am writing a C# Add-in Enterprise Architect to validate tagged value because a default 0 appears in the tagged value space when I use tagged value of Type=Integer. I have given tagged value of Type=String and validating the user entered value. I am using the following code.

    public bool EA_OnNotifyContextItemModified(EA.Repository Repository, string GUID, EA.ObjectType ot)

                string test_value;
                bool isInteger;
                int integer_converted;
                if (ot == EA.ObjectType.otElement)

                        EA.Element element = (EA.Element)Repository.GetElementByGuid(GUID);
                        EA.TaggedValue tag = element.TaggedValues.GetByName("MAX-BASE-TYPE-SIZE");
                        test_value = tag.Value;
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(test_value))
                            Session.Repository.WriteOutput("EA", "Enter any Value", 1);
                            isInteger = int.TryParse(test_value, out integer_converted);
                            if (isInteger == false)

                                string empty = " ";
                                tag.Value = empty;
                                Session.Repository.WriteOutput("EA", "Enter Integer Value" + " " + tag.Name + ":" + "", 1);


            return true; 

The problem is,the replacement of invalid tagged value with empty string happens only when I close the element properties window and reopen the element.

How to view the tagged value updated with empty string when I move the cursor to the next tagged value of the element itself instead of closing and reopening the element everytime.

Kindly Help.Thanks in advance.


  • There is no elegant solution. You need to refresh the model view and show the element in the browser again like (pseudo code):
