I want to have something similar to the example here http://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/treeview/filter-treeview-in-dialog but with some changes which are
For example, the expected behaviour is initially the tree will be loaded from remote datasource with load on demand (only first level will be retrieved) and when user enter a search text, the search will be performed on server side and all results will be returned and no lazy loading. last thing when user clear search text, the tree will return to lazy loading again and load on demand would be true.
And here are more details about my case
Tree Structure will be only two levels, let say type and item
root level is fixed, all roots will always shown
first json object structure which will be used in all data retrieval will be
so data will be retrieved from the server as following
Any ideas?
as Ross Bush says, it is not a built in functionality, after a lot of tries and research, i found that the issue is two things:
so, the solution (or acutally a workaround) is re-intialize the datasource and the tree when i change the mode from search to view and vise versa !!!. this is how i solved it
Thanks all for your contributing