What is the best way to get to all the PropertyInfo of items in a lambda expression.
i want to set a filter on a xml field in a sql database.
var FilterBase = new FilterBase<SimpleItemSubObject>()
.SetSimpleFilter(x => x.ID, 123)
.SetSimpleFilter(x => x.Test.Name, "demo3");
in de analyser, i'm able to get the propertyinfo for the Name property.
internal IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> GetExpressionList()
return GetPropertyListfor(lambda.Body as MemberExpression);
private IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> GetPropertyListfor(MemberExpression body)
var result = new List<PropertyInfo>();
if (body != null && body.Expression != null)
result.AddRange(GetPropertyListfor(body.Expression as MemberExpression));
result.Add((body as MemberExpression).Member as PropertyInfo);
return result;
this will return the propertyinfo if it's a string property. but in case of a int the analyser fails because lambda has added a convert function.
{x => Convert(x.ID)}
It added a convert function.
so what is the best method of getting the propertyinfo in this case for the x.ID. and how do i prevent the use of the convert function
The fact that compiler adds Convert
expression indicates that you are using non generic lambda expression with object
return type. Something like this:
public class FilterBase<T>
public FilterBase<T> SetSimpleFilter(Expression<Func<T, object>> selector, object value)
// ...
return this;
One way to resolve the issue is to make the method generic (similar to LINQ OrderBy
public FilterBase<T> SetSimpleFilter<V>(Expression<Func<T, V>> selector, V value)
so there will not be Convert
Another way is to keep the method as is, and strip the first Convert
if any:
internal IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> GetExpressionList()
var body = lambda.Body;
if (body.NodeType == ExpressionType.Convert)
body = ((UnaryExpression)body).Operand;
return GetPropertyListfor(body as MemberExpression);