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yii2 jasper on basic template

I've followed step by step instructions from JasperReports for yii2.

  1. Installed JDK 1.8 on my Debian 8
  2. Setted up mysql connector's classpath in /etc/profile
  3. Added chrmorandi/yii2-jasper to my composer and updated

I guess php exec() function is enabled because the following test in any view resolves successfuly ...

<? echo exec('whoami'); ?>

chromandi is now under /vendors

java -version says 1.8.0_111

$CLASHPATH points to /usr/share/mysql-connector-java/mysql-connector-java-5.1.40-bin.jar

configuration is so ...

'components' => [
    'jasper' => [
        'class' => 'chrmorandi\jasper',
        'db' => [
            'host' => 'localhost',
            'port' => 3306,
            'driver' => 'mysql',
            'dbname' => 'acme',
            'username' => 'acme',
            'password' => 'acme'

I added a controller like this ...


namespace app\controllers;

use Yii;
use chrmorandi\Jasper;

class EstadisticasController extends \yii\web\Controller {

    public function actionIndex() {
        // Set alias for sample directory
        Yii::setAlias('example', '@vendor/chrmorandi/yii2-jasper/examples');

        /* @var $jasper Jasper */
        $jasper = Yii::$app->jasper;

        // Compile a JRXML to Jasper
        $jasper->compile(Yii::getAlias('@example') . '/hello_world.jrxml')->execute();

        // Process a Jasper file to PDF and RTF (you can use directly the .jrxml)
        $jasper->process(Yii::getAlias('@example') . '/hello_world.jasper', [
            'php_version' => 'xxx'
        ], [
        ], false, false)->execute();

        // List the parameters from a Jasper file.
        $array = $jasper->listParameters(Yii::getAlias('@example') . '/hello_world.jasper')->execute();

        // return pdf file
        Yii::$app->response->sendFile(Yii::getAlias('@example') . '/hello_world.pdf');


and tested that is supposed to be a built-in example.

Now it comes the problem. It complains about

$jasper = Yii::$app->jasper;

line. The output says

ReflectionException Class chrmorandi\jasper does not exist

Anyone facing this issue? There is no much info about jasper on Yii. Any help would be welcome. Thank you.


  • Finally the solution was changing

    $jasper = Yii::$app->jasper;


    $jasper = new \chrmorandi\jasper\Jasper();

    Don't know why in the yii2-jasper documentation is setted so if it does not work. Anyway you can make it work following my above compilation.

    As the

    use chrmorandi\Jasper

    is not working properly

    You will have to change Jasper.php setting in the init function this

    $componentes = Yii::$app->components;
    $this->db = $componentes['jasper']['db'];

    to make it work.

    Editing under vendors is not something I want to do. In order to prevent these fixes I moved from chrmorandi's extension (until its improvement) to cossou/jasperphp extension.

    So far the cossou's extension reaches all my goals.

    I hope this helps somebody.