I cannot figure out why my code is giving me garbage data when I read the Http Response entity. This is only happening when I issue a request to one specific URL with data that causes a 400 response. My code attempts to read the response entity, but as you can see below it is garbage.
Here is a simplified test case:
import org.junit.Test;
import javax.ws.rs.client.Client;
import javax.ws.rs.client.ClientBuilder;
import javax.ws.rs.client.Invocation;
import javax.ws.rs.client.WebTarget;
import javax.ws.rs.core.Response;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public class Sandbox {
public void jaguarTestCase() {
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
WebTarget target = client.target("http://www.jaguarusa.com/owners/vin-recall.html?view=vinRecallQuery&vin=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");
Invocation.Builder builder = target.request();
Response response = builder.get(Response.class);
System.out.println("Response Code:");
System.out.println("\t" + response.getStatus() + " - " + response.getStatusInfo().getReasonPhrase());
System.out.println("\nResponse Headers:");
for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : response.getStringHeaders().entrySet()) {
System.out.print("\t" + entry.getKey() + ": ");
for (String value : entry.getValue()) {
String responseEntity = response.readEntity(String.class);
System.out.println("\nResponse Entity: ");
And the output from that testcase:
Response Code:
400 - Bad Request
Response Headers:
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Encoding: gzip
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Content-Length: 135
Date: Tue, 08 Nov 2016 00:03:23 GMT
Content-Language: en-US
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Response Entity:
� \�1
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This is what the entity body is supposed to be (paste the URL in any browser and see for yourself):
"errorMessage" : "Please check your details and try again.",
"error" : 400,
"errorTitle" : "Sorry, that is not a valid VIN.",
I am using the JDK version 1.8.0_102. I think the problem is happening when the response entity is parsed because the reported content-length of 135 is the correct value, confirmed by running this request in a Chrome browser debug window.
The Content-Type response header shows charset=UTF-8, which is what my JVM is running as. What gives? I'm completely stumped after working on this all afternoon.
If you inspect your response headers, you will notice
Content-Encoding: gzip
The garbled text is actually zipped.