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Angular Providers

Following the angular 2 tutorial @

In the


I inserted "providers: [HeroService]" which contains the getHeroes() method.

Created a constructor:

constructor(private heroService: HeroService) {}

Now the part I don't understand is how I am able to use


The only propertes defined in this class are:

title = 'Tour of Heroes';
heroes: Hero[];
selectedHero: Hero;

Does the providers in the @Component decorator automatically create a property to access it through this.?

The App is working, just don't know how we magically were able to access heroService through this.


  • The private (could also be public) in

    constructor(private heroService: HeroService) {}

    also creates a property heroService and assigns the value passed to the constructor. That's a TypeScript feature and is not Angular2 or DI dependent.