I'm using WinForm's. I have a label in my form that should count down from 0:20 seconds. to 0:00 seconds. I'm trying to do this here, but the compiler gives me an error.
Error: Cannot convert from 'int' to 'System.TimeSpan'
Why cant I use timespan.Subtract()? and how could I count down from 0:20 to 0:00 seconds?
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
TimeSpan timespan = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20);
Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
Time_label.Text = timespan.Subtract(stopwatch.Elapsed.Seconds);
A better approach for a simple second counter would be to make use of the Timer
private readonly Timer _timer;
private TimeSpan _timespan;
private readonly TimeSpan _oneSecond;
public Form1()
_timer = new Timer();
_timer.Tick += timer1_Tick;
_timer.Interval = 1000;
_timespan = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20);
_oneSecond = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 1);
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
if (_timespan >= TimeSpan.Zero)
Time_label.Text = _timespan.ToString(@"m\:ss");
_timespan = _timespan.Subtract(_oneSecond);