I'm using Point Grey GigE Blackfly cameras and the National Instruments Vision Acquisition Imaqdx namespace though C#. I've got a two loops, each in their own thread, that read from the camera and set the image in a winforms ImageViewer object.
More or less, two of these
NationalInstruments.Vision.Acquisition.Imaqdx.ImaqdxSession _imaq;
NationalInstruments.Vision.WindowsForms.ImageViewer _imageViewer;
_imaq.Grab(_imageViewer.Image, waitForNextBuffer: true);
It works, but the images from the cameras have these black lines on them. Not unlike this-
It gets worse as the number of cameras I connect to increases. After four cameras, it's mostly black lines.
I've got jumbo packets set to 9014 bytes in my network adapter settings. The camera is set to use 8000 byte packets. There's another 200 attributes on the camera and ImageViewer control, but I've not found any that help and I'm not really sure where to go from here.
Any ideas?
You might be encountering a bandwidth limit in the network.
How much bandwidth do your cameras require with their current settings? Does it help if you tune them to share?