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Query timeout when calling from different threads

Server receives http request in servlet, from servlet calls method in ejb component.

public void ejbMethodVariant1(...) {
    //calling stored proc
    //calling same stored proc

public void ejbMethodVariant2(...) {
    //calling stored proc
    Thread t = new Thread(() -> {
             //calling same stored proc
    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException e){

Stored proc is always the same. "Calling stored proc" means:

  1. Getting connection from data source
  2. Creating callable statement
  3. Executing callable statement
  4. Closing statement
  5. Closing connection

In variant 1 - all works perfectly, without errors. Connections in first and second call have autoCommit=false.

In variant 2 - first call completes successfully, second - time out after 2 minutes ( The query has timed out.). Connection in first call has autoCommit=false, in second call have autoCommit=true.


  • You're starting a new thread which doesn't have the transaction context, security context, etc copied to it. If you want to use a new thread to run the statement consider using the EE Concurrency utilities in Java EE 7.