I'm interested in an app that customizes the Android NavigationBar across all my applications. The same way that, i.e. NavBar Apps does it.
This far, I found two possibilities, but it doesn't fit exactly what I'm looking for:
SystemBarTint library (here) It only works if you set your app to translucent, and display a background "tint" behind the NavigationBar.
setNavigationBarColor(int color) (here) You can only use a color (and not a drawable) for the NavigationBar.
I want do an app that is always running and can set a drawable instead of the black color of the NavigationBar
I found out a way to customize the NavigationBar
in (almost) all apps. (following this)
Using this permission:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW"/>
Then I created a Service that calls:
WindowManager.addView(View v, LayoutParams p)
And my MainActivity starts this Service.