At my settings file i have a parameter "Is_Running" and it value is set as 0
at run time i will check the value like below
if(Settings.Default.Is_Running == 0)
Settings.Default.Is_Running = 1;
Settings.Default.Is_Running = 0;
Due to some reason i stopped the program in the middle of execution. Now the condition is always failing. So i checked value of Is_Running
using a message box and it shows "1". I checked the app config file and it shows below
<setting name="Is_Running" serializeAs="String">
Any idea why it still use "1"?
In VS you change the default values of settings. Real settings are stored in the path C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\<CompanyName>\<AppName>\<version>\user.config
(for applications).
Added by @Sachu.
Since my application is windows service installed in server level, the path is little different. What I done is searched for user.config
then got the file and path. Changed the value to 0
and it worked fine.
In my case the path is: