I'm using roundSlider for radial slider. Which gives me value on slide.
on slide I'm appeding span
So what I want exactly is span
should as per plates number. If there are 22 plates so span
should be only 22 and if plates are 10 then span
should also be 10 or vice-versa.
Currently, It's just appending in 1 length. I want it to append (add and remove) as per var tp
var tp = $('.rs-tooltip').text() / 1000;
$('#plates span').text(tp);
add with for loop event .The for loop will append the span
depend on span value. Initially remove inner content of .mbox
.Then its will re added with a help of for loop
function traceEvent(e) {
var tp = $('.rs-tooltip').text() / 1000;
$('#plates span').text(tp);
for(var i=0; i<tp; i++){
$('.mbox').append('<span id="'+[i]+'"></span>')//add