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Washington OpenIE 4 - How to pass multiple files as input?

I'm trying to run the OpenIE tool from Washington University KnowItAll project, but I need to run it of several hundred files, and it takes the tool around 30s just to start, so I was trying to find a way to start it once and send all the files.

From the documentation, it says that besides the command-line interface, it can take one input file and one output file, by being called like this:

sbt 'run-main edu.knowitall.openie.OpenIECli InFile OutFile'

My question is if it is possible to send more input files without changing the source code? Maybe by using the assembled standalone jar, for instance?

Thank you in advance


  • I also had this problem. I hacked together a server that wraps the jar, which takes GET requests and serves JSON. Maybe this could help other people.