I had this code taken from Reza Aghaei’s solution, which had helped me solve the problem for single DataSet using Microsofts Reportviewer Control on Winforms.
Calling Form:
string sql = "SELECT bk_book_details.id, bk_book_details.book_id, bk_book_details.book_no, bk_book_details.book_name, bk_book_details.edition_id, bk_book_details.condition_id, bk_book_details.publication_year, bk_book_details.price, bk_book_details.purchase_price, bk_book_details.reference_no, bk_book_details.book_status, bk_book_details.purchase_id, bk_book_details.purchase_date FROM bk_book_details";
string reportLocation = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) + @"\Reports\LMS_Book_Price_Invoice.rdl";
var f = new ReportForm();
f.ReportPath = reportLocation;
DataTable dt = (DataTable)DataAdapter.Current.LoadData(sql, "LoadDataTable");
List<DataTable> lDt = new List<DataTable>();
f.ReportData = new List<DataTable>(lDt);
Report Form:
public List<DataTable> ReportData { get; set; }
public string ReportPath { get; set; }
private void ReportForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
long numberOfDataSets = this.ReportData.Count();
if (numberOfDataSets == 0)
var rds = new Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportDataSource("Data", this.ReportData[i]);
reportViewer1.LocalReport.ReportPath = this.ReportPath;
Which I extended to take multiple DataSets like so:
Calling Form:
string sql = "SELECT bk_book_details.id, bk_book_details.book_id, bk_book_details.book_no, bk_book_details.book_name, bk_book_details.edition_id, bk_book_details.condition_id, bk_book_details.publication_year, bk_book_details.price, bk_book_details.purchase_price, bk_book_details.reference_no, bk_book_details.book_status, bk_book_details.purchase_id, bk_book_details.purchase_date FROM bk_book_details WHERE bk_book_details.book_id<=2";
string sql1 = "SELECT bk_book_details.id, bk_book_details.book_id, bk_book_details.book_no, bk_book_details.book_name, bk_book_details.edition_id, bk_book_details.condition_id, bk_book_details.publication_year, bk_book_details.price, bk_book_details.purchase_price, bk_book_details.reference_no, bk_book_details.book_status, bk_book_details.purchase_id, bk_book_details.purchase_date FROM bk_book_details WHERE bk_book_details.book_id=4";
string sql2 = "SELECT bk_book_details.id, bk_book_details.book_id, bk_book_details.book_no, bk_book_details.book_name, bk_book_details.edition_id, bk_book_details.condition_id, bk_book_details.publication_year, bk_book_details.price, bk_book_details.purchase_price, bk_book_details.reference_no, bk_book_details.book_status, bk_book_details.purchase_id, bk_book_details.purchase_date FROM bk_book_details WHERE bk_book_details.book_id=5";
string reportLocation = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) + @"\Reports\LMS_Book_Price_Invoice_2.rdl";
var f = new ReportForm();
f.ReportPath = reportLocation;
DataTable dt = (DataTable)DataAdapter.Current.LoadData(sql, "LoadDataTable");
DataTable dt1 = (DataTable)DataAdapter.Current.LoadData(sql1, "LoadDataTable1");
DataTable dt2 = (DataTable)DataAdapter.Current.LoadData(sql2, "LoadDataTable2");
List<DataTable> lDt = new List<DataTable>();
f.ReportData = new List<DataTable>(lDt);
Report Form:
public List<DataTable> ReportData { get; set; }
public string ReportPath { get; set; }
private void ReportForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
long numberOfDataSets = this.ReportData.Count();
if (numberOfDataSets == 0)
string dataX = "Data";
for (int i = 0 ; i < numberOfDataSets; i++) {
string DataName = dataX;
if (i != 0)
DataName += Convert.ToString(i);
/*For our case the DataName is used to provide DataSet name Data, Data1, Data2*/
var rds = new Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportDataSource(DataName, this.ReportData[i]);
reportViewer1.LocalReport.ReportPath = this.ReportPath;
After this, the code continues to work for Single DataSet like so:
However for Multiple Datasets, it gives the following error:
Search results:
Can not edit rdl report (2005 defination) in Vs 2008
At this point I have run out of solutions and need help.
What caused the issue in the first place?
In order to extend the problem for additional datasets, I had copied the table in my RDL designer. The designer seems to change the <rd:TypeName>
tag to <TypeName>
At this point I am really grateful for StackOverflow for providing this platform for me to post my problems and to @RezaAghaei, who in multiple occasions has gone that extra mile to look at all the details of a problems to give a solution in times of need.
As addressed in the exception, the element Field
has invalid child element TypeName
You should use rd:TypeName
instead. For example:
<Field Name="id">
The problem is with second and next data sets, but first data set is OK.