I am trying to make a function that will call another function if the parameter doesn't exist.
For example:
function getAllFoo(){
// makes a request to an api and returns an array of all foos
function getNumFoo(foosArray = getAllFoo(), num = 5){
// selects num of foos from foosArray or calls getAllFoos then selects num of them
try to wrap your asynchronous function with JS Promise, and in your dependent function call its then()
function getAllFoo () {
return new Promise(
// The resolver function is called with the ability to resolve or
// reject the promise
function(resolve, reject) {
// resolve or reject here, according to your logic
var foosArray = ['your', 'array'];
function getNumFoo(num = 5){
getAllFoo().then(function (foosArray) {
// selects num of foos from foosArray or calls getAllFoos then selects num of them