I'm trying to make a simple body size/weight regression graph with log axes but I can't seem to fit a straight regression line to the graph.
I've tried using the untf function but no line is being generated.
Here's a simplified sample of what I'm trying:
plot(Average.BL~Wet.weight, log="xy")
abline(reg, untf=FALSE)
I've looked at previous questions about the same problem but can't get any solutions to work for me.
I have found that if I generate a linear regression of the log transformed data as follows:
plot(logWet.weight~logAverageBL, data=mtrosslog)
reg<-lm(logWet.weight~logAverageBL, data=mtrosslog)
lm(formula = logWet.weight ~ logAverageBL, data = mtrosslog)
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -3.73798 0.11997 -31.16 <2e-16 ***
logAverageBL 2.86705 0.09002 31.85 <2e-16 ***
And then generating a plot with log-log axes, I can fit the regression generated from the log transformed data (reg) to this plot of untransformed data:
plot(Wet.weight~Average.BL, data = mtross, log = 'xy')