I'm trying to replicate an inventory from a mmorpg online game called CABAL on the web, the game's inventory looks like this:
Basically, inventory has 4 tabs each with 8x8, so on every tab there are a 64 totals of cells and in total 256, though, the index starts from 0 to 63 on each tab and the total from 0 to 255.
As you can see some items occupies 1:1 (rowspan:colspan) some 2:2, some can even be 2:6 for example an armoursuit, anyway the point is that I tried here replicate as best as I could, though i managed to make 1 tab only.
function createCells(rows, cols) {
var cells = {},
x = 0,
startRow = 0,
endRow = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
cells[i] = {};
for (var j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
cells[i][j] = { id: "e" + x };
if (angular.isDefined(items[x])) {
cells[i][j] = items[x];
if (items[x].colspan > 1 && items[x].rowspan > 1) {
startRow = x % rows;
endRow = parseInt(x / cols, 10) + items[x].rowspan;
console.log("Start column " + startRow + " end rowspan " + endRow + " x = " + x);
// console.log();
// if (j >= 5 && j <= 8) {
// x += j;
// }
if (!angular.equals(cells[i][j], {})) {
return cells;
So what that issue is that if an item occupies rowspan and colspan bigger than 1 it pushes the other cells after and I need them removed (e7, e14, e15, e39, e46, e47, e54, e55, e62, e63). I need that loops do to calcs automatically based on the items rowspan and colspan that are inventory. The items that are in var items are a sample of the api response so 3, 6, 12, 240, 105 are items for tab 1.
So anyone can help me further? I'm stuck for days on this.
If you don't mind a small approach change, you could try this out:
and col
combinations that will be blockedNow, you have a map of all blocked (i.e.: not empty) cells. In the createCells
loop, you can use this map to determine if you need a place holder. There are now three cases for each cell:
Here's how I did it:
function createCells(rows, cols) {
var cells = {};
// Create an object that holds all cell codes blocked by an item
var itemMap = Object.keys(items).reduce(function(map, key) {
var item = items[key],
cStart = item.slot % cols,
rStart = Math.floor(item.slot / cols)
for (var c = 0; c < item.colspan; c += 1) {
for (var r = 0; r < item.rowspan; r += 1) {
map[(r + rStart) + ";" + (c + cStart)] = item;
return map;
}, {});
var currentNr;
for (var i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
cells[i] = {};
for (var j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
currentNr = i * cols + j;
// If there's an item with this slot, place it
if (items[currentNr]) {
// Add item
cells[i][j] = items[currentNr];
} else if (itemMap[i + ";" + j]) { // The item isn't in the exact spot, but blocks it
// Block square, do nothing
} else {
// Add empty square
cells[i][j] = {
id: "e" + currentNr
return cells;
In a working fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/q1ba3x4h/