I'm currently doing a window form that have Pie Chart
inside.I need to show the percentage of the pie.
But now I have eencountered a problem : When I add this #PERCENT{P2}
to series the Pie Chart
will show like this:
But if I remove it, the Pie Chart
will show like this
Is there possible to make the Pie Chart
Like this?
My Code:
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dt.Columns.Add("completed", typeof(string));
dt.Columns.Add("no", typeof(int));
int noin = allitem - intime;
dt.Rows.Add("Complete In Time", intime);
dt.Rows.Add("OverDue", noin);
chart1.DataSource = dt;
Yes, this is easily done by setting the LegendText
for each of your DataPoints
like this:
foreach (DataPoint dp in yourSeries.Points) dp.LegendText = yourLabel;
If your x-values contain meaningful numbers you can use them:
foreach (DataPoint dp in s.Points) dp.LegendText = dp.XValue + "";
But if you added the x-values as strings they are lost and you have to use another source for the LegendTexts
If you only have a fixed number of DataPoints
you can set the LegendTexts
yourSeries.Points[0].LegendText = "hi";
yourSeries.Points[1].LegendText = "ho";
yourSeries.Points[2].LegendText = "hum";
Note that usually a Legend
shows one entry per Series
. But for a Pie
chart it shows one entry per DataPoint