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Using hexcode in ti basic program on ti 84+

Recently I have been reading about different hex codes that do cool stuff like Archiving something inside a program among other things. The way I try to incorporate these into my (ti 84+)basic coding is by using a separate program and "calling it"( ASM(prgrmNAME) ) in the original program. The issue is that sometimes I want to go back to the original program, but I can't use return because once I use AMSprgrm I can't do basic coding in it.

Is there some way that I can incorporate hexcodes in middle of my programs, or some other solution to get around this?


  • Assuming you have the non-color model, you can use a program like TPROG to copy an archived program to a temp program and just run that copy. TPROG is available in the ticalc file archives and I believe the hex opcode is available either within that download or in the "Zeda's Hex Codes" resource also available there.