I have this slider input in html code:
(Sorry about this being an image, I do not have access to the code for the page, I just have to test it).
And I'm trying this code:
this.maxdivedepth = function (value) {
var slider = util.getElementAsyncSafe(by.id("maximum-dive-depth"));
{x: value, y: 0}
'value' being "100" for example.
Terminal doesn't show any error, but I don't see the sliders doing anything..
I tried several things, using diferent selectors for example, but still the same.
Can anybody help me with this?
First you need to identify the locator for the circle element displayed on the slider. Then you can drag it using below code,
var slider = $(".rz-pointer-min"); //im not sure about the locator of the circle element.
browser.actions().mouseMove(slider).mouseDown().mouseMove({x:20,y:0 }).mouseUp().perform()