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Elastic completion suggester creating inputs

I have more than 200 000 records so I need to automatically create inputs for complete suggester.

I need to get results also for incorrect order ("Potter Harry" instead of "Harry Potter").

Mapping for suggestion:

   "type": "completion"


    "title" : {$title},
    "title_suggest" : 
        "input" : {...},
        "output": {$title}


The simple one: "Harry Potter" has input {"Harry Potter", "Potter Harry"}.

But how to create input for long titles? Eg. "Diary of a modern couple or women are from Venus and men are a moron"? It makes 1 307 674 368 000 variants of words order.

I hope it is clear what I need.


  • I changed the suggester. I'm not using Completion Suggester. I'm using ngrams from here: