Ok so In my code I'm asking the user for their name and asking them to click one of 3 buttons which gives a variable a corresponding value. Now in another program I want to call upon this program and then pretty much display the string and use the int value for a certain purpose.
public class MainMenuofgame extends JFrame implements ActionListener{
JButton slow, medium, fast;
JLabel pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4;
JTextField username;
Container frame;
static String name;
static int xspeed = 0;
public MainMenuofgame() {
super ("Main Menu of Rocket Launch");
frame = getContentPane ();
frame.setLayout (null);
pic1 = new JLabel (new ImageIcon ("welcome.png"));
pic2 = new JLabel (new ImageIcon ("name.png"));
pic3 = new JLabel (new ImageIcon ("speed.png"));
pic4 = new JLabel (new ImageIcon ("backgnd.jpg"));
username = new JTextField ();
slow = new JButton("Slow");
// slow.setActionCommand("slowspeed");
slow.addActionListener (this);
medium = new JButton("Medium");
// medium.setActionCommand("mediumspeed");
medium.addActionListener (this);
fast = new JButton("Fast");
// fast.setActionCommand("fastspeed");
fast.addActionListener (this);
pic1.setBounds (30,50, 525, 173);//welcome
pic2.setBounds (100,230,212,73);//name
pic3.setBounds (80,350,428,84);//speed
slow.setBounds (100,450,100,100);
medium.setBounds (250,450,100,100);
fast.setBounds (400,450,100,100);
//background bound goes in the end
pic4.setBounds (0,0, 600,900);
frame.add (pic1);
frame.add (pic2);
frame.add (pic3);
frame.add (username);
frame.add (slow);
frame.add (medium);
frame.add (fast);
frame.add (pic4);
setSize(600, 900);
setVisible (true);
setDefaultCloseOperation (EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt){
String name = username.getText();
if (evt.getSource () == slow)
xspeed = 1;
else if(evt.getSource () == medium)
xspeed = 5;
xspeed = 10;
public static void main(String[] args) {
new MainMenuofgame ();
Um... really all I needed to do was call upon my variable that I wanted to store my data in and then well... store it. This is done in the If statement at the bottom. Thanks everyone for helping but honestly most of your answers rised more questions than answered mine and just confused me but I figured it out so thanks anyways :)
public class MainMenuofgame extends JFrame implements ActionListener{
JButton slow, medium, fast;
JLabel pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4;
JTextField username;
Container frame;
static String name;
static int xspeed = 0;
public MainMenuofgame() {
super ("Main Menu of Rocket Launch");
frame = getContentPane ();
frame.setLayout (null);
pic1 = new JLabel (new ImageIcon ("welcome.png"));
pic2 = new JLabel (new ImageIcon ("name.png"));
pic3 = new JLabel (new ImageIcon ("speed.png"));
pic4 = new JLabel (new ImageIcon ("backgnd.jpg"));
username = new JTextField ();
slow = new JButton("Slow");
// slow.setActionCommand("slowspeed");
slow.addActionListener (this);
medium = new JButton("Medium");
// medium.setActionCommand("mediumspeed");
medium.addActionListener (this);
fast = new JButton("Fast");
// fast.setActionCommand("fastspeed");
fast.addActionListener (this);
pic1.setBounds (30,50, 525, 173);//welcome
pic2.setBounds (100,230,212,73);//name
pic3.setBounds (80,350,428,84);//speed
slow.setBounds (100,450,100,100);
medium.setBounds (250,450,100,100);
fast.setBounds (400,450,100,100);
//background bound goes in the end
pic4.setBounds (0,0, 600,900);
frame.add (pic1);
frame.add (pic2);
frame.add (pic3);
frame.add (username);
frame.add (slow);
frame.add (medium);
frame.add (fast);
frame.add (pic4);
setSize(600, 900);
setVisible (true);
setDefaultCloseOperation (EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt){
String name = username.getText();
Rocketlaunch.name = name;
if (evt.getSource () == slow)
Rocketlaunch.moveSpeed = 1;
Rocketlaunch.speed = "Slow";
setVisible (false);
else if(evt.getSource () == medium)
Rocketlaunch.moveSpeed = 5;
Rocketlaunch.speed = "Medium";
setVisible (false);
Rocketlaunch.moveSpeed = 10;
Rocketlaunch.speed = "Fast";
setVisible (false);
new Rocketlaunch();
public static void main(String[] args) {
new MainMenuofgame ();