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Custom html tags on page render skip HTML parsing for some reason

I don't know, why it's happening, but looks like custom html tags cannot parse it's content properly on page load if there's really a lot of such elements.

    prototype: Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype, {
      attachedCallback: { value: function() {
        console.log(this.innerHTML, this.childNodes); // wrong innerHTML and childNodes once in n-occurrences 

Here's an example

My hypothesis is that there's some kind of stack, and sometimes this stack just overflows :)

Do you have any ideas on how to fix it? (I'm already looking under the hood of react fiber.. to get the scheduling from there).


  • It's because the elements are added to the DOM tree as they are parsed.

    Here the document is very large, so elements are not added in a single pass but in several chunks. Sometimes only 1 or 2 elements are added (at the end of the chunk) and then the Custom Element is created and attached whith a piece of its definitive child nodes only.

    To fix it, you can define the custom element only after all the document is parsed. Put the <script> after the <x-tag>s, or use the onload event.

    document.onload = function ()
        document.registerElement('x-tag', { prototype: proto } )

    Else if for some reasons the Custom Element is already defined, put the numerous tags in a <template> element, then insert its content in a single operation:

    <template id=tpl>
        target.appendChild( document.importNode( tpl.content, true )