I don't know, why it's happening, but looks like custom html tags cannot parse it's content properly on page load if there's really a lot of such elements.
prototype: Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype, {
attachedCallback: { value: function() {
console.log(this.innerHTML, this.childNodes); // wrong innerHTML and childNodes once in n-occurrences
Here's an example
My hypothesis is that there's some kind of stack, and sometimes this stack just overflows :)
Do you have any ideas on how to fix it? (I'm already looking under the hood of react fiber.. to get the scheduling from there).
It's because the elements are added to the DOM tree as they are parsed.
Here the document is very large, so elements are not added in a single pass but in several chunks. Sometimes only 1 or 2 elements are added (at the end of the chunk) and then the Custom Element is created and attached whith a piece of its definitive child nodes only.
To fix it, you can define the custom element only after all the document is parsed. Put the <script>
after the <x-tag>s
, or use the onload
document.onload = function ()
document.registerElement('x-tag', { prototype: proto } )
Else if for some reasons the Custom Element is already defined, put the numerous tags in a <template>
element, then insert its content
in a single operation:
<template id=tpl>
target.appendChild( document.importNode( tpl.content, true )