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Bookdown: How can I change the size of the chapter titles?

I am using bookdown to generate slides for a workshop. I use the 'big' letter option in the menu for display as slides. However then the chapter title font size is too large. Where/how can I modify that one?




  • you can control this with .css as yihui suggests

    in the top level of your bookdown project there is a file called style.css open it and paste in:

        .book .book-body .page-wrapper .page-inner section.normal h1{font-size:1em}

    this will increase the size of your top level header font when you build the book. you can change the value of 'em' or you can use other ways of specifiying font size such as '%' or 'pt'. you can also change h1 to h2, h3 etc to change 2nd, 3rd level headers and so on.

    i recommend reading a little about .css

    style the web like a badass