We have a grid with datatype json.
We have the following custom formatter:
function opsFormatter (cellvalue, options, rowObject){
'<a title=MA href=javascript:showDialog(' + rowObject[5] + ')>MA<a>' + ' ';
Instead of rowObject[5]
is there any object notation where we can specify the actual column name ("account")? Ie: rowObject.account
This is the grid definition:
colNames:['Product', 'Type','Expiry', 'Put Call', 'Strike', 'Account','Long','Short', 'Open Qty', 'LTD', 'Operations'],
colModel :[
{name:'product', index:'product', width:75, sortable:false},
{name:'type', index:'type', width:50, align:'right', sortable:false},
{name:'expiry', index:'expiry', width:60, align:'right',stype:'select', searchoptions:{dataUrl:'expiry_select.htm'}, sortable:false},
{name:'putCall', index:'putCall', width:65, sortable:false},
{name:'strike', index:'strike', sorttype: 'float', width:70, sortable:false},
{name:'account', index:'account', width:70, sortable:false},
{name:'long', index:'long', width:55, align:'right', sortable:false},
{name:'short', index:'short', width:55, align:'right', sortable:false},
{name: 'openQty', index:'openQty', width:80, align:'center', formatter:closeoutFormatter, sortable:false},
{name:'LTD', index:'LTD', width:65, align:'right', sortable:false},
{index:'operations', width:105, title:false, align: 'center', formatter:opsFormatter, sortable:false}
pager: '#div-pos-pager',
caption: 'Positions'
It seems for me absolute correct behavior. The value of the parameter rowObject
is object having properties with the same names as defined in the 'name' property of the colModel
. The property account
is one from there. I suppose that the misunderstanding come from the following part of the documentation of the custom formatter:
rowObject - is a row data represented in the format determined from datatype option. ... If we have datatype: json/jsonstring - the rowObject is array, provided according to the rules from jsonReader
Probably the word array follows to misunderstanding. In JavaScript rowObject.account
can be used as rowObject["account"]
, but one can't use rowObject[5]
to access the account
property of rowObject
. It is just not clear written sentence in the documentation. If you are a native English speaker you can reformulate the text so that it will has no misunderstandings. The documentation is wiki and any person can change any text.