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New Backbone instance property pointing to old instance property

I noticed something odd with Backbone/Marionette. When I create an instance of a view that has a new collection property, then I create a nother instance of the view, its a new instance but the collection property points to the instance of the first view. See here:

  var CollectionView = Marionette.CollectionView.extend({
    collection: new Backbone.Collection() 

  var view = new CollectionView();

  console.log('view is ', view);
  view.collection.searchTerm = 'test';
  console.log('view.collection is ', view.collection);;

  var view2 = new CollectionView();
  console.log('view2 is ', view2);
  console.log('view2.collection is ', view2.collection);;

You can see in the logs, there are 2 difference view instances (one has cid: "view2" and the other cid: "view5"). But the collection property of the second view has a property searchTerm which is 'test'. I would have expected this to be a new Backbone collection....

Codepen is here.


  • It is expected behavior.

    Collection is created only once, when you're calling extend. All instances just have collection reference in prototype of CollectionView.

    If you want your view instantiated with new collection every time, just create initialize method:

    var CollectionView = Marionette.CollectionView.extend({
        initialize: function () {
            this.collection = new Backbone.Collection();
    var view = new CollectionView();
    console.log('view is ', view);
    view.collection.searchTerm = 'test';
    console.log('view.collection is ', view.collection);;
    var view2 = new CollectionView();
    console.log('view2 is ', view2);
    console.log('view2.collection is ', view2.collection);;