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Php SimpleXML find specific child node in any level in the parent

I'm using SimpleXML to parse my xml file. I'm looping through it and in each node I need to get value of one specific tag. Here is an example


In each node I need to get findme tag. But I don't know in which level it can be, all I know is a tagname


  • The only decision I came up with was to use this recursive function

    foreach($xml as $prod){
      $findme = getNode($prod, 'fabric');
    function getNode($obj, $node) {
        if($obj->getName() == $node) { 
            return $obj;
        foreach ($obj->children() as $child) {
            $findme = getNode($child, $node);
            if($findme) return $findme;


    Also as was suggested in comments we can use DOMDocument class like this:

     $dom = new DOMDocument();
     $nodes = $dom->getElementsByTagName('node');
     foreach($nodes as $node)
        $findme = $node->getElementsByTagName("findme")->item(0);
        echo $findme->textContent."\r";