I just set up Travis CI for the first time for one of my Elixir Projects and it seems to work fine, except that the Job Log is empty.
I've tried:
configuration filebut have absolutely no idea why the log is empty. This is the Github Project and the Travis Job.
My .travis.yml
language: elixir
- 1.3.0
- 18.0
sudo: false
- postgresql
- cp config/travis_ci.exs config/config.exs
- mix deps.get --only test
- mix test
- mix deps.get --only docs
- MIX_ENV=docs mix inch.report
Wow. I picked quite the day to set up my first Travis CI project. After a bit more Googling and other fruitless pursuits, I came across a broadcast on their website:
Build logs are currently not rendered properly or not rendered at all for open source builds. You can follow the updates on this incident here. Thank you for your patience.
Apparently this has been happening all day with other Open Source projects as well, and they have even logged an incident on their Status website. They're on the case and it looks like it'll be fixed in the next few hours.
Update: The Issue has been resolved.