I have an EAR application with three modules:
all are packaged in "app.ear".
This is working fine, but now I have to use the same beans outside the EAR application, and injection is not working.
I have in app-ejb:
public class Services implements ServicesRemote {
and his remote interface in app-remote:
public interface ServicesRemote {
In my app-war I can inject the remote bean without problem:
public class UseServices {
private ServicesRemote services;
Anyway in my external ejb application, deployed as stand-alone and using the same ejb-remote as library, if I try to inject the same EJB like this:
public class UseServicesFromAnotherApp {
private ServicesRemote services;
Glassfish (4.1) give me an error "Class [ Lcom/[...]/ServicesRemote; ] not found".
Is this expected? How can I inject the remote bean correctly?
The problem was probably generated by a number of hot deploys, made glassfish unstable. When I restarted glassfish my code start to work properly (it's actually still working).
Sorry for posting here without trying to restart glassfish first.