I am using haproxy for port forwarding to Bitbucket server ssh. Here's haproxy config:
frontend sshd
bind *:7999
default_backend ssh
timeout client 1h
backend ssh
mode tcp
server localhost-bitbucket-ssh check port 7999
However if i do:
sudo haproxy -f haproxy.cfg
i am getting the following error:
[ALERT] 305/201411 (4168) : http frontend 'sshd' (haproxy.cfg:38) tries to use incompatible tcp backend 'ssh' (haproxy.cfg:43) as its default backend (see 'mode').
[ALERT] 305/201411 (4168) : Fatal errors found in configuration.
But i was referring to an official atlassian guide: https://confluence.atlassian.com/bitbucketserver/setting-up-ssh-port-forwarding-776640364.html are they wrong?
Also if i start haproxy before bitbucket server, bitbucket server cannot start on port 7999. I am totally confused. I have paid for that software and now i need to figure it out myself how to configure it for more than 2 days...
It was UFW as Thomj mentioned. But for what purposes do i need haproxy? If i can't bind Bitbucket's ssh to 22 port? I don't like to set port number.
The frontend configuration is defaulting to a mode of http which can't use a backend that's configured for tcp. Try adding 'mode tcp' to the frontend:
frontend sshd
bind *:7999
default_backend ssh
timeout client 1h
mode tcp