Search code examples

Validation of Canadian postal code fails when whitespace inside

I'm trying to write a program that will validate a Canadian postal code.

Given the two formats

  1. A1A1A1
  2. A1A 1A1


I have problems getting my code to recognize the white space in the second format.

When I validate for the second format, it prints "Invalid" twice even though it's a legitimate postal code.


public class validatePostalCodeTest {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Scanner kb = new Scanner(;
    System.out.println("Please enter postalcode:");
    while (kb.hasNext()){
        String posCode =;
        if (posCode.length() > 7) 
        if (posCode.length() < 6) 
        if (posCode.length()== 7){
            boolean valid = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < posCode.length(); i++){
                char a = posCode.charAt(0);
                char b = posCode.charAt(2);
                char c = posCode.charAt(4);
                char d = posCode.charAt(1);
                char e = posCode.charAt(5);
                char f = posCode.charAt(6);
                char g = posCode.charAt(3);
                if(! Character.isLetter(a))
                    valid = false; 
                else if (! Character.isLetter(b))
                    valid = false;
                else if (! Character.isDigit(c))
                    valid = false;
                else if (! Character.isDigit(d))
                    valid = false;
                else if (! Character.isLetter(e))
                    valid = false;
                else if (! Character.isDigit(f))
                    valid = false;
                else if (! Character.isWhitespace(g))
                    valid = false;
            if (valid) System.out.println("\nValid");
            else System.out.println("\nInvalid");
        if (posCode.length()== 6){
            boolean valid = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < posCode.length(); i++){
                char a = posCode.charAt(0);
                char b = posCode.charAt(2);
                char c = posCode.charAt(4);
                char d = posCode.charAt(1);
                char e = posCode.charAt(3);
                char f = posCode.charAt(5);
                if(! Character.isLetter(a))
                    valid = false; 
                else if (! Character.isLetter(b))
                    valid = false;
                else if (! Character.isLetter(c))
                    valid = false;
                else if (! Character.isDigit(d))
                    valid = false;
                else if (! Character.isDigit(e))
                    valid = false;
                else if (! Character.isDigit(f))
                    valid = false;
            if (valid) System.out.println("\nValid");
            else System.out.println("\nInvalid");
        System.out.println("\nPlease enter a postalcode:");
    System.out.println("Program ending due to end-of-file");


  • You have used which will read data with space separation, So when you will enter postal code as A1A 1A1 it will take it 2 times first one is A1A and second one is 1A1 and therefor you will get invalid output 2 times as it will take 2 time data with one space, so you need to use nextLine() it will help you to resolve your issue,

    Check below resolved answer

    public class validatePostalCodeTest 
       public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception
          Scanner kb = new Scanner(;
          System.out.println("Please enter postalcode:");
          String posCode = kb.nextLine();
           if (posCode.length() > 7) 
           if (posCode.length() < 6) 
           if (posCode.length()== 7){
               boolean valid = true;
                char a = posCode.charAt(0);
                char b = posCode.charAt(2);
                char c = posCode.charAt(4);
                char d = posCode.charAt(1);
                char e = posCode.charAt(5);
                char f = posCode.charAt(6);
                char g = posCode.charAt(3);
                if(! Character.isLetter(a))
                    valid = false; 
                else if (! Character.isLetter(b))
                    valid = false;
                else if (! Character.isDigit(c))
                    valid = false;
                else if (! Character.isDigit(d))
                    valid = false;
                else if (! Character.isLetter(e))
                    valid = false;
                else if (! Character.isDigit(f))
                    valid = false;
                else if (! Character.isWhitespace(g))
                    valid = false;
               if (valid) System.out.println("\nValid");
               else System.out.println("\nInvalid");
           if (posCode.length()== 6){
               boolean valid = true;
                char a = posCode.charAt(0);
                char b = posCode.charAt(2);
                char c = posCode.charAt(4);
                char d = posCode.charAt(1);
                char e = posCode.charAt(3);
                char f = posCode.charAt(5);
                if(! Character.isLetter(a))
                    valid = false; 
                else if (! Character.isLetter(b))
                    valid = false;
                else if (! Character.isLetter(c))
                    valid = false;
                else if (! Character.isDigit(d))
                    valid = false;
                else if (! Character.isDigit(e))
                    valid = false;
                else if (! Character.isDigit(f))
                    valid = false;
               if (valid) System.out.println("\nValid");
               else System.out.println("\nInvalid");
           System.out.println("Program ending due to end-of-file");