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Heroku webapp-runner --enable-naming

I've been facing with a combersome task: deploying a spring project ( using JNDI ).

Right now the problem is related to the webapp-runner option "enable-naming". My datasources are declared by jndi - using tomcar context.xml. When i feed webapp-runner with the option referred i get this message:

Exception in thread "main" com.beust.jcommander.ParameterException:   
**Unknown option: --enable-naming** 
at com.beust.jcommander.JCommander.parseValues(
at com.beust.jcommander.JCommander.parse(
at com.beust.jcommander.JCommander.parse(
at com.beust.jcommander.JCommander.(
at webapp.runner.launch.Main.main(

I've been digging the webapp-runner code and saw this condition:

if (commandLineParams.enableNaming ||
commandLineParams.enableBasicAuth ||
commandLineParams.tomcatUsersLocation != null) {

So i've tried with --enable-basic-auth option and my app runs just fine... The problem is i don't want basic-auth in my site.

I'm using maven heroku-maven-plugin, and as WEBAPP_RUNNER_OPTS: --context-xml tomcat-heroku-server-conf/context.xml --enable-naming

Thanks in advance.


  • This option was added in webapp-runner, but at the time of this writing the Heroku CLI WAR deployment plugin and the Heroku Maven plugin default to version of webapp-runner.

    You can set the version like this for the CLI:

    $ heroku deploy:war --webapp-runner path/to/app.war

    Or like this for Maven:

    $ mvn heroku:deploy-war -Dheroku.webappRunnerVersion=

    I maintain webapp-runner and those plugins, and I'll update them to use shortly.