I am starting a 2nd scene that uses it's own controller. I want to access a method within that controller from another class. How can I get a handle of the new scene controller?
public void startNewScene() throws IOException{
Stage stage = new Stage();
Partent root;
root = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("fxmlfile.fxml");
Scene scene = new Scene(root);
Create an FXMLLoader
instance (instead of using the static load(...)
method), and get the controller from it:
public void startNewScene() throws IOException{
Stage stage = new Stage();
FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource("fxmlfile.fxml"));
Parent root = loader.load();
MyController controller = loader.getController();
Scene scene = new Scene(root);
Obviously replace MyController
with the actual class name of the controller for fxmlfile.fxml