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Background-Job run Scripts without hardcoding them

I am running a PowerShell GUI that calls different scripts. I'm currently using hardcoded paths such as:

function start-jobhere([scriptblock]$block) {
  Start-Job -ArgumentList (Get-Location),$block {
    Set-Location $args[0];
    Invoke-Expression $args[1]

$handler_button1_Click = {
  $job1 = start-jobhere {& K:\Uploader\Import\DataUploader.ps1} -Name "Uploader"

I tried to avoid it using:

$LocalPath = ($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).ToLower().Replace("datauploader.ps1", "")

$handler_button1_Click = {
  $job1 = start-jobhere {& $LocalPath\DataUploader.ps1} -Name "Uploader"

But it doesn't seem to work. I have some scripts in the same folder and some are on a different harddrive. Is there a way to avoid the hardcoded paths?


  • You're passing a scriptblock to the function. The code inside the scriptblock doesn't know anything about variables in the rest of the script unless you make them known via the using scope modifier:

    $job1 = start-jobhere {& "$using:LocalPath\DataUploader.ps1"} -Name "Uploader"

    With that said, if you want to run scripts anyway, why aren't you passing their path as a string to your function?

    function start-jobhere([string]$Name, [string]$Script) {
      Start-Job -Name $Name -ScriptBlock {
        Set-Location $args[0]
        & $args[1]
      } -ArgumentList (Get-Location), $Script
    $handler_button1_Click = {
      $job1 = start-jobhere "$LocalPath\DataUploader.ps1" -Name "Uploader"