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How can I act on cursor activity originating from mouse clicks and not keyboard actions?

I want to do something when a user moves the cursor to another location via a mouse click, but not do it when it's done via a keyboard action (arrows, pageup/pagedown, home/end).

  • I can't just listen to cursorActivity since it triggers on both keyboard and mouse actions.
  • I'm not sure I can listen to mousedown, because it might be the start of something which is not a cursor location change (e.g. selecting, dragging).

What's the best way to catch those mouse-originated cursor movements?


  • You could listen to these events:

    • mousedown
    • cursorActivity
    • keydown
    • beforeChange

    The cursor was moved by a mouse click if these conditions are met:

    • A cursorActivity event is triggered after a mousedown event
    • No movement key was pressed between the two events
    • No change was made to the content between the two events
    • No text is selected

    var movedByMouse = false;
    var editor = CodeMirror(document.body);
    editor.on("mousedown", function () {
        movedByMouse = true;
    editor.on("cursorActivity", function () {
        if (movedByMouse) {
            movedByMouse = false;
            if (!editor.getSelection()) {
                console.log("Moved by mouse");
    editor.on("keydown", function () {
        if (isMovementKey(event.which)) {
            movedByMouse = false;
    editor.on("beforeChange", function () {
        movedByMouse = false;
    function isMovementKey(keyCode) {
        return 33 <= keyCode && keyCode <= 40;
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
    <script src=""></script>