I am using tarql (https://github.com/tarql/tarql) - uses sparql syntax - to transform CSV data into RDF triples.
I have a column name "web site". How can i bind to the variable using BIND function? I tried a lot of ways, but i didn't find the solution:
BIND (?web site AS ?homepage)
BIND (?"web site" AS ?homepage)
BIND (?'web site' AS ?homepage)
BIND (?web\ site AS ?homepage)
All leading to parse error.
When you have to deal with complicated situations my suggestion is: first try with an exploratory tests; Let's see by example:
suppose your source data file is: ./table/table.csv
which contains:
main index;web site;title, to translate
1;"ciao.ronda.com";"this is the first"
2;"miao.ronda.it";"this is the second"
3;"bao.ronda.uk";"this is the third"
FROM <file:table.csv#delimiter=%3B;>
lancher example:
#!/bin/bash -
./bin/tarql --test --delimiter \; --header-row --verbose ${query} ${table}
$ ./launcher0.sh
| main_index | web_site | title,_to_translate |
| "1" | "ciao.ronda.com" | "this is the first" |
| "2" | "miao.ronda.it" | "this is the second" |
| "3" | "bao.ronda.uk" | "this is the third" |
well now we know the third column variable name computed with these options is: title,_to_translate
in our example )here we need an example BIND
based query to understand the problem; suppose this is the query where we try to use out field named: ?title,_to_translate
SELECT ?homepage ?uri ?title_with_language_tag
BIND (?web_site AS ?homepage)
BIND (URI(CONCAT('http://website.com/ns#', ?main_index)) AS ?uri)
BIND (STRLANG(?title,_to_translate, 'en') AS ?title_with_language_tag)
$ ./launcher0.sh
com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryParseException: Lexical error at line 5, column 27. Encountered: "t" (116), after : "_"
at org.deri.tarql.TarqlParser.parse(TarqlParser.java:113)
in short this query contains a Lexical error that is not supported by ena.query.QueryParser
In cases like this, rather than continue to fight with the language, I prefer to adopt a little workaround
let's leverage on the option -H --no-header-row CSV file has no header row; use variable names ?a, ?b, ...
and enjoy an easy solution; all we need todo is remove the first head row from the content our source data file ( this is an easy task you can pipeline to the process or do in the ways you prefer) for convenience of testing I copied data without the first column in ./data/table0-noheader.csv
now the same query become easier for the parser;
SELECT ?homepage ?uri ?title_with_language_tag
BIND (?a AS ?homepage)
BIND (URI(CONCAT('http://website.com/ns#', ?b)) AS ?uri)
BIND (STRLANG(?c, 'en') AS ?title_with_language_tag)
!/bin/bash -
./bin/tarql --test --no-header-row --delimiter \; --header-row --verbose ${query} ${table}
$ ./launcher-noheader.sh
| homepage | uri | title_with_language_tag |
| "1" | <http://website.com/ns#ciao.ronda.com> | "this is the first"@en |
| "2" | <http://website.com/ns#miao.ronda.it> | "this is the second"@en |
| "3" | <http://website.com/ns#bao.ronda.uk> | "this is the third"@en |
the reference docs: Header row, delimiters, quotes and character encoding in CSV/TSV files states all the possible ways and combinations to express options: is a good read worth.
another useful reference could be: Possible names for variables in SPARQL 1.1 Query Language