Is it posible to set the route / render controller with pager fanta in symfony2 because i have tried rendering a controller and it hits me with cannot generate route:
An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Unable to generate a URL for the named route "" as such route does not exist.") in @AppBundle\Survey\table_questions.html.twig at line 27.
On line 27 i have
{{ pagerfanta(pager, 'twitter_bootstrap3') }}
I don't know how exactly you use the WhiteOctoberPagerfantaBundle
but you can set your default view: Also see this answer: Customising the layout of Pagerfanta pagination with a custom template.
Alternatively, the pagerfanta
function takes a third argument with options to create the route generator.
Notably routeName
might be enough for what you need to do:
{{ pagerfanta(pager, 'twitter_bootstrap3', {routeName: 'route_name'}) }}