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ILoop Tab Completion

I am creating a very simple extension of with the intent of adding some additional bindings, but even in the most basic use-case the tab-completion does not seem to work. If I type in code it interprets and works as expected, but I no tab-completion. Is there something specific that needs to be defined in order for tab-completion to be enabled in the interactive interpreter (REPL)?

My use-case is as simple as the following:

val repl = new ILoop
repl.process(new Settings {
  usejavacp.value = true
  deprecation.value = true

Is there something other than ILoop I should be using?


  • It kind of works for me, modulo version.

    $ scalacm myintp.scala && scalam myintp.Test
    Welcome to Scala 2.12.0-RC2 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_101).
    Type in expressions for evaluation. Or try :help.
    scala> 42
    res0: Int = 42
    scala> 42.
    !=   <    >>>         doubleValue   isNaN           isValidShort   shortValue       toDouble        toShort      
    %    <<   ^           floatValue    isNegInfinity   isWhole        signum           toFloat         unary_+      
    &    <=   abs         floor         isPosInfinity   longValue      to               toHexString     unary_-      
    *    ==   byteValue   getClass      isValidByte     max            toBinaryString   toInt           unary_~      
    +    >    ceil        intValue      isValidChar     min            toByte           toLong          underlying   
    -    >=   compare     isInfinite    isValidInt      round          toChar           toOctalString   until        
    /    >>   compareTo   isInfinity    isValidLong     self           toDegrees        toRadians       |            
    scala> 42.s
    self   shortValue   signum   synchronized
    scala> 42.self
    res1: Int = 42
    scala> :quit


    $ cat myintp.scala
    package myintp
    /* 2.12 */
    object Test extends App {
      val ss = new Settings {
        usejavacp.value = true
        deprecation.value = true
      def repl = new ILoop {
        override def createInterpreter(): Unit = {
      repl process ss
    /* 2.11
    object Test extends App {
      def repl = new ILoop {
        override def createInterpreter(): Unit = {
          def binder: Unit = intp beQuietDuring {
            intp directBind ("foo", "bar")
            intp bind ("baz", "boo")
          intp initialize binder
      repl process new Settings
    /* 2.9
    object Test extends App {
      def repl = new ILoop {
        def binder: Unit = intp beQuietDuring {
          intp bind ("baz", "boo")
        override def loop(): Unit = {
      repl process new Settings