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Loading components and other dependencies with ocLazyLoad plugin

I'm working with AngularJS and ocLazyLoad plugin. And I can't find a solution for my problem.

I have created one component (named as component.js) and controller for this component (in separate file componentCtrl.js) and then I have constants, which I use in controller(it's too in separated file constants.js). And I need to load these files. When I use something like this:

loadPlugin: function ($ocLazyLoad) {
                    return $ocLazyLoad.load(
                            files: ['../componentCtrl.js','../constants.js',../,'component.js']

My dependencies is loaded fine. But I need this component in more views. Then I have to write this code again and again. Can I define this array of resources before using in lazy load function?

When I have module, It's simple

  modules: [{
    name: 'TestModule',
    files: ['source1', 'source2',..., 'sourceN']

But I don't have special module for this component.It's possible with this plugin ?


  • You can define some constant or global variable and add your all component files there like this:

            .constant('SIMPLE_COMPONENTS', {
                comp1: ['../componentCtrl.js', '../constants.js', 'component.js'],
                comp2: ['../componentCtrl2.js', '../constants2.js', 'component2.js'],
                compfoo: ['../componentfoo.js', '../constantsbar.js', 'componentfoo.js']

    Then define a function inside your state configuration like:

    function getMeFoo(src) {
        return ['$ocLazyLoad', 'SIMPLE_COMPONENTS', function ($ocLazyLoad, SIMPLE_COMPONENTS) {
            if (SIMPLE_COMPONENTS[src]) {
                return $ocLazyLoad.load(SIMPLE_COMPONENTS[src]);

    Now simply use them in your state configuration:

    .state('', {
        url: '/foo',
        templateUrl: 'views/foo.html',
        resolve: {
            dep1: getMeFoo('comp1')
    .state('', {
        url: '/bar',
        templateUrl: 'views/bar.html',
        resolve: {
            dep1: getMeFoo('comp1'),
            dep2: getMeFoo('comp2')