I programmed an img element to "fall" down the window with parseInt(its.style.top) triggered by a setInterval(fall,1000) function in the body.
An error occurs after the Moves() function is triggered, and the fall() function stops being called. Is there an if-statement for Moves() function to call the setInterval(fall,1000) again after the img s.style.left >= r.style.width??
Thanks! :-)
<body onload="setInterval(fall,1000)" onkeydown="Moves()">
<img id="square" style="position:absolute; left:10px; top:0px;
width:50px; height:50px; background-color:red;" />
<img id="rectangle" style="position:absolute; left:10px; top:130px;
width:150px; height:10px; background-color:blue;" />
function fall(){
var s = document.getElementById("square");
s.style.top = parseInt(s.style.top) + 25 + 'px';
var r = document.getElementById("rectangle");
r.style.top=130 + 'px';
function Moves(){
var s = document.getElementById("square");
if (event.keyCode==39) {
s.style.left = parseInt(s.style.left)+10+'px';}
var r = document.getElementById("rectangle");
r.style.width=150 + 'px';
</body> </html>
I believe this is what you were trying to do:
<body onload="setTimeout(fall,1000)" onkeydown="Moves()">
<img id="square" style="position:absolute; left:10px; top:0px;
width:50px; height:50px; background-color:red;" />
<img id="rectangle" style="position:absolute; left:10px; top:130px;
width:150px; height:10px; background-color:blue;" />
var over_edge = false;
var can_fall = true;
function fall(){
var s = document.getElementById("square");
s.style.top = parseInt(s.style.top) + 25 + 'px';
var r = document.getElementById("rectangle");
//r.style.top=130 + 'px';
if(!over_edge) {
if(parseInt(s.style.top) >= parseInt(r.style.top) - parseInt(s.style.height)) {
s.style.top = parseInt(r.style.top) - parseInt(s.style.height);
can_fall = false;
if(can_fall || over_edge)
setTimeout(fall, 1000);
function Moves(){
var s = document.getElementById("square");
if (event.keyCode==39) {
s.style.left = parseInt(s.style.left)+10+'px';}
var r = document.getElementById("rectangle");
//r.style.width=150 + 'px';
if(parseInt(s.style.left) >= parseInt(r.style.left) + parseInt(r.style.width)) {
if(!over_edge) {
over_edge = true;
fall(); // trigger falling over the edge but only once