Search code examples

Multiple googletag.display() with Same Id

Assuming I've correctly defined a google ad:

googletag.defineSlot(adUnitPath, size, "ad-id-goes-here")

If I use multiple instances of the following code (googletag.display() with the same id) on one page:

<div id="ad-id-goes-here" style="width: 728px; height: 90px">
  <script type="text/javascript">
    googletag.cmd.push(function() {

Will the ad only display once (the very first instance), or will it fail to display at all?

According to the reference:

Each ad slot should only be displayed once per page.

However this says nothing about failure, any thoughts?


  • If you attempt to call googletag.display('ad-id') twice on the same ID, the ad will only display the first time and you will get the following exception for the second call:

    "Div element ad-id is already associated with another slot."

    You can see this output if you append ?google_console to the URL that contains the ad units, then press ctrl+F10 to display the google publisher console.